Crowdfunding Websites

Do You Need Crowdfunding?

Are you a small business, start-up, creative, musician or filmmaker looking to raise funds for your next project? Are you struggling to find reliable and effective crowdfunding websites that can help you reach your goal?

Look no further – in this post, we’ll introduce 8 of the best crowdfunding websites out there specifically tailored towards small businesses and creatives. 

We’ll take a deep dive into each one, so read on to find the platform that will fit your needs! In the current uncertain economic climate, crowdfunding websites may offer a solution in helping you raise the required funding you need.

Crowdfunding Websites

What is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding has become a popular way to fund projects that wouldn’t normally be financially viable.

As a result, crowdfunding websites have become invaluable tools in helping entrepreneurs get their ideas off the ground.

By rallying numerous individuals with a common interest in their business/product/project, businesses and creators are able to collect enough financial support to pursue ideas that would have otherwise been impossible. 

The best and most recognisable crowdfunding platforms have revolutionised not only how we fund new ventures, but also how those ventures can continue to be successful due to the feedback and community engagement opportunities created through crowdfunding.

History of Crowdfunding

The concept of crowdfunding has been around for centuries, with examples stretching as far back as the 1700s.

In the early days, people would take part in donation-based crowdfunding by exchanging favors or pooling resources to help out a cause they believed in. This type of crowdfunding was especially common during times of war and natural disasters, when communities would come together to raise funds for those who needed it most.

In the early 2000s, online crowdfunding platforms began appearing, allowing anyone to contribute to campaigns from anywhere in the world.

The first modern online platform was ArtistShare, which allowed fans to donate money in return for access to exclusive content such as behind-the-scenes footage and unreleased recordings. This form of ‘rewards based’ crowdfunding quickly gained popularity and other websites such as Kickstarter began popping up soon after.

Today, crowdfunding is an essential resource for entrepreneurs looking for capital and investors looking for innovative opportunities. 

Some of the largest businesses today were funded through platforms like Crowdfunder or Seedrs, demonstrating just how powerful this method can be. 

Crowdfunding sites make it easier than ever before to pool resources from multiple sources and often offer more flexible terms than traditional lenders or venture capitalists.

There are different types of crowdfunding models available, each suited for different needs.

Donation-based crowdfunding is still popular today, but rewards-based models are proving successful at getting products off the ground while equity-based models help startups attract investors without giving away too much ownership or control rights to those investors. It’s clear that no matter what type of project you need funding for, there is a suitable way to generate capital through crowdfunding websites.

Crowdfunding has become an incredibly important tool in modern society and its continued growth shows no sign of slowing down any time soon.

By creating opportunities where once none existed and helping entrepreneurs all over the world realise their dreams – it’s easy to see why so many have turned to this method over conventional ones as a viable source of funding. 

With new developments in technology making it even easier to take part in this process – we can only expect more wonderful things from crowdfunded projects in the years ahead!

Crowdfunding Websites for Creatives – Artists, Musicians & Filmmakers

Crowdfunding Websites

1. Slated

Slated is one of the leading crowdfunding websites in the world, providing filmmakers with a way to take their projects from concept to reality.

The crowdfunding platform allows independent filmmakers and productions companies to access capital quickly, connect with other creatives, seek out advice on development and marketing, and receive managerial support. 

Filmmakers can select which crowdfunding route is right for them—from a donation-based funding model up to an equity-based crowdfunding option. 

Through Slated’s online portal, posts are made to let third parties such as potential investors know about upcoming projects that might be of interest.

It ensures that great ideas have the opportunity to get off the ground, no matter their size.

Check out Slated

2. Patreon

Patreon is a crowdfunding website that makes it possible for content creators and influencers to receive financial support from their followers.

It provides an innovative alternative to traditional crowdfunding sites where patrons pledge money in return for specified products or services.

With Patreon, patrons simply show their appreciation by donating an amount of their choosing to the content creator or influencer they follow. 

Payments are made on a recurring basis, so donation amounts can be adjusted each month depending on how much the patron wants to contribute. 

Patrons also have the ability to choose which type of content they would like exclusive access to when signing up as a supporter of an artist, musician, writer, or other creative professional.

Crowdfunding websites like Patreon provide a unique and meaningful way for fans to directly support their favorite artists and many digital content creators rely on these platforms for income.

Take a look at Patreon 

Crowdfunding Websites for Small Businesses & Start-Ups

Crowdfunding Websites

3. Funding Circle

Funding Circle is one of the leading crowdfunding websites, helping small businesses access the capital they need to succeed. 

The innovative crowdfunding platform allows businesses to obtain capital from both individuals and institutional investors with just a few clicks. With an efficient and convenient system, loans can be provided in as little as 24 hours with no hidden fees or extra costs. 

In addition, Funding Circle also provides a range of learning materials and resources to help businesses understand crowdfunding and make sure that lenders are equipped with all the information they require. 

Overall, Funding Circle is a fantastic crowdfunding platform which helps small businesses access capital quickly and efficiently.

Head over to Funding Circle

4. Fundable

Fundable has set the crowdfunding standard for businesses seeking to raise capital. It is one of the leading crowdfunding websites on the web, offering entrepreneurs a simple and streamlined crowdfunding process that helps them generate awareness about their brand and accept investments from individuals or organisations. 

Through this platform, startups can connect with potential investors, increase their reach, get direct feedback from customers, and develop relationships with early adopters. Many projects have been successfully funded through Fundable’s crowdfunding campaigns—notably, it is estimated that over 50% of all crowdfunding issues have used Fundable as their crowdfunding platform of choice. 

Fundable invests in startups’ success by providing specific strategies and support to ensure maximum impact and outcomes. With its crowdfunding services, businesses can realize their dreams by obtaining the funds they need to fuel growth and prosperity.

Say hello to Fundable

5. Seedinvest

Seedinvest is a crowdfunding website that simplifies the process of investing in private companies. 

It’s one of the most popular crowdfunding websites, offering individuals access to hundreds of venture capital opportunities. The platform also provides startups with increased visibility, allowing them to quickly and easily raise capital through crowdfunding. 

Additionally, Seedinvest allows users to diversify their portfolios, track investments, and take advantage of crowdfunding from anywhere. 

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or an experienced investor looking to diversify your portfolio, Seedinvest is your go-to crowdfunding website for exploring alternatives and seizing new opportunities.

Take a look at Seedinvest

6. Crowdfunder

Crowdunder is a crowdfunding website that enables anyone to access private investment opportunities. 

It works by enabling businesses to list their crowdfunding projects online, as well as offering investors the chance to invest in various crowdfunding projects. 

The crowdfunding projects can include anything from start-ups and new products to real estate. For business owners looking for funding, using crowdfunding websites such as Crowdunder is one of the best ways to access large amounts of cash investment with minimal effort. 

For investors, crowdfunding websites offer an opportunity to make high returns due to the unique nature of many crowdfunding projects. 

Ultimately, Crowdunder is a great option for both potential businesses and investors who are looking for creative and lucrative ways to make money.

Check out Crowdfunder

7. Seedrs

Seedrs is a crowdfunding website that gives access to some of the most promising private companies, allowing anyone to invest and become part of their success. 

As one of the first crowdfunding platforms, Seedrs has developed a reliable trust system with strict regulation to ensure safer investments. It is a platform created with investors in mind, as it allows not only institutional but also retail investors to review various crowdfunding opportunities and take advantage of financial growth and great returns on investment. 

Thanks to Seedrs, crowdfunding as an investment tool for businesses or individuals has become accessible and easy to use.

Head over to Seedrs

The Crowdfunding Website for Every Project

8. Kickstarter

Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that makes it easier than ever to get your ideas funded – and was one of the very fist crowdfunding websites. With the help of crowdfunding websites, creators around the world have been able to connect with backers and bring their ideas to life.

By providing an accessible platform for crowdfunding, Kickstarter has opened up the potential for a multitude of people to realise their projects.

Projects ranging from budding entrepreneurs raising money for a startup business, to musicians financing an album and even scientists being able to fund cutting edge research – Kickstarter has made all these dreams possible. 

Kickstarter bridges the gap between inspiring dreamers and generous funders by providing an efficient place to securely exchange resources through crowdfunding.

Check out Kickstarter

Angel Investment – The Sequel to Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding Websites

If you have used crowdfunding in the past but you now need a larger injection of capital in your business, then you should maybe consider Angel Investment.

Angel investment is a type of investment that involves individuals, usually wealthy businesspeople, who provide financing to startups and small businesses. 

Angel investors are often entrepreneurs themselves and are willing to take on higher risks than traditional venture capital firms. In exchange for their financial support, angels may receive equity in the form of stocks or other securities in the businesses they invest in.

Angel investing is particularly attractive to entrepreneurs because angel investors often have more flexible terms than venture capitalists, including allowing more time to repay loans and having less stringent requirements for businesses in order to qualify for funding. 

Furthermore, angel investors can offer more than just money; they can also provide valuable advice and contacts based on their own experiences as successful businesspeople. This knowledge can be immensely helpful when starting up a business or expanding an existing one.

Angel investments typically involve smaller deals with a longer-term focus compared to venture capitalists who focus on larger deals with shorter-term returns. 

Angel investors tend to be patient and understand that most startups need additional funding over time before achieving success. As such, angel investors usually prefer providing several rounds of financing as opposed to lump sums upfront.

In addition, angel investments come with fewer restrictions and strings attached compared to traditional forms of financing such as bank loans or venture capital funding. Angels may even take equity stakes without any voting rights or board representation so that the entrepreneur has full control over the direction of their business while still getting the necessary capital injection they need.

A growing number of angel networks have been popping up in recent years, making it easier for entrepreneurs seeking funding from multiple angels at once instead of needing to approach each individual investor separately. These networks allow entrepreneurs access greater resources with faster turnaround times and better terms when it comes to raising funds from multiple angel investors simultaneously.

So, if you have used crowdfunding is the past and are now ready for a larger scale investment from an experienced investor/entrepeneur than angel investment may be the correct investment vehicle for your business.


Crowdfunding websites are an incredible tool that can help you, as a small business, artist, musician, creative or content creator reach your goals.

It’s especially useful for those of us who don’t have ready access to investors or capital. 

With a crowdfunding campaign, you can take your dream project from the back of a napkin to reality. 

Now that you know more about crowdfunding possibilities and how they might help bring projects to life, it’s time to make a decision: Which one of your great ideas should you pursue? Knowing where to start is always tough but by setting achievable goals and putting forth your best effort you can get it done.

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